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TGIF: Idol contestant singing Ken Leee September 11, 2009

Posted by Jill (@bonnjill) in Fun stuff, TGIF.

Sorry for the delay in posting this. If you follow me on Twitter you know I’ve been having problems with what day it is this week.

Everyone, you have GOT to see this!!!! This contestant on Bulgarian Idol sang Mariah Carey’s famous song, Ken Leee. I’ve added my comments to the bottom so as not to color your enjoyment of the video. 🙂

I love the judge’s question:

What language was that?

What I don’t understand is, why this lady was so stubborn and adamant about her ignorance.

Ken Leee”
“Don’t you mean ‘Without You’ ? ”

LOL! epic fail


1. epapaluap - September 14, 2009

Ha! Sometimes I indulge/torture myself with Deutschland sucht den Superstar. Almost as bad/good sometimes…

But seriously, if pop songs in languages other than English were ever available in the States (hmmm … like Falco in the 80s, maybe), wouldn’t there be just as many horrible attempts to sing Spanish or Finnish or whatever else? Maybe there are already, somewhere out there…

2. thatcher - October 15, 2009

no, this one is extra special.

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