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Interesting Chinese menu January 4, 2010

Posted by Jill (@bonnjill) in Translation.

One of my friends on Facebook (a non-linguist, I might add…) shared a very amusing menu filled with mistranslations that they discovered at Flumesday.com entitled “The Rabbit Fucks the Pot.” This is a photo of a menu from a Chinese restaurant at Chongqing’s Jiangbei Airport. This may be old news, since the post is from February 2007, but I wanted to share it with you all just in case you (like me) hadn’t seen it yet. The blogger’s commentary is almost as entertaining as the actual (mis)translations, with my favorite being:

What’s interesting is that the price to “fuck a fish head” is 10 yuan more expensive then to “fuck a spring chicken.” One would think fucking a spring chicken would cost more.


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