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I’m Comic Sans, Asshole June 18, 2010

Posted by Jill (@bonnjill) in Fun stuff.

I know a lot of people don’t like the Comic Sans font. I myself don’t get all the hate, because I find it to be a pretty legible font. That said, I usually stick with Arial or Times New Roman in my translations because I know a lot of people don’t like crazy fonts. I hope Jost reads this and reposts it to the Toolkit newsletter. Michelle Rafter at WordCount just included it in her recommended reading post, and I have to say it is absolutely brilliant. Here’s what she had to say about it:

McSweeney’s runs a regular column called Short Imagined Monologues where the writer assumes the persona of some real or fictitious character to expound on a particular point. This week’s installment from designer/writer Mike Lacher, will make the font fanatic in you smile. (Warning: language may not be suitable for work.)

So I hope you all enjoy I’m Comic Sans, Asshole as much as I did!


1. Corinne McKay - June 21, 2010

I agree, I actually don’t mind Comic Sans but I know that in the web developer community, requesting Comic Sans for your website is the equivalent of wearing white tube socks with sandals– the height of bad taste!

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