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Ten things for which I am thankful November 14, 2011

Posted by Jill (@bonnjill) in Random musings.

1. I’m thankful for a roof over my head under which I can work when and how I want.

2. I’m thankful for money in the bank, because it affords me the ability to say no to outrageous job offers.

3. I’m thankful for the Internet. If it weren’t for the Internet I wouldn’t be able to work from home with clients all over the world (and so affordably).

4. I’m thankful for my smartphone, because it allows me to run errands and not miss important e-mails.

5. I’m thankful that I’ve gotten to travel so much. I think that visiting other countries has broadened my horizons and made me a much more interesting and understanding person.

6. I’m thankful for my health – although I need to really start exercising more so I don’t lose it…

7. I’m thankful for my pets who give me unconditional love and offer stress relief (Just the simple and relaxing act of petting your cat or dog can reduce stress, hypertension and lower your blood pressure).

8. I’m thankful for my family and friends, because they help keep my life balanced.

9. I’m thankful for the beauty of nature in all its wonderful seasons. I choose to live in a state that has seasons. I don’t think I could handle living somewhere like Arizona, Florida or Texas where it is constantly the same boring weather. I love all four seasons, but fall is perhaps my favorite. Walking through leaves that crunch underfoot (and jumping in leaf piles when I was younger), the smell of leaves and bonfires burning, apple cider, the beauty of the changing leaves. I love every minute of it. I love spring when the leaves start to bud and then spring forth. I love summer and lazy days spent reading on my front porch. I love winter and the beauty of a fresh snowfall – and twinkle lights illuminating the night at Christmas.

And last but not least…

10. I’m thankful for chocolate.


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